Use Cases Of Our Products
Retail Analytics
A Top 5 retailer requires digital analytics for 4000 feature releases annually
Their analysts would require 8 weeks to provide analytics on the impact created by a website feature release. These were manually computed, based on just a differential between impressions and conversions. The FS incrementality computation included seasonality, attribution, and statistical significance. Business users could gain instant insights through a conversational interface. Additionally, forecasts were generated with a 22% uplift compared to internal accuracies for all product conversions to detect anomalies after a release.
Price Prediction
A top-tier microelectronics component manufacturer aimed to refine SKU-level pricing strategies for trade sales. Their existing price prediction algorithm was plagued by bugs, leading to extended processing times. The goal was to suggest price points that enhance the chances of winning transactions, thereby maximizing revenue without sacrificing profit margins.
Findability Sciences deployed its machine learning technology to analyze historical data on revenue, quantities, price points, deal success rates, and forecasted demand. This enabled the recommendation of optimal price points for each SKU.
Demand Forecasting
A premier HVAC solutions provider in North America aimed to refine inventory planning and enhance sales predictions across more than 360 locations. The complexity was heightened by a diverse product range exceeding 6,600 SKUs, where stock-outs were leading to elevated warehousing and holding expenses.
To address this challenge, a specialized forecasting solution was engineered, leveraging both machine learning and deep learning algorithms. These techniques were combined in an ensemble approach to achieve superior accuracy over traditional time-series forecasting methods, offering a strategic advantage in inventory management and sales forecasting.
Sales Forecasting
RS-11 is a web-based platform that serves the community of Small and Medium Business Owners by being their go-to platform for knowing the valuation of their business, a marketplace for buy-sell listings, and serving as their Business Process Co-Pilot (BPC) for a large variety of their day to day needs of marketing, contracting and supporting their daily business operations.
Propensity Prediction
Propensity predictions indicate the likelihood of an individual to perform a defined action (buy, buy again, churn, etc.), which enable businesses to grow and retain revenue by engaging with the right customers, leads, or audiences at the right time. To get accurate propensity predictions, you need a good propensity model.
Realty Indicators
Forecasting of 8 real estate parameters for 24 months with over 90% accuracy
The biggest challenge for a real estate asset management company in the US was forecasting market conditions for investment and divestiture decisions. By forecasting rent, occupancy, and value with over 90% accuracy for 24 months, the company was able to use the forecasts for making financial and investment decisions. Additionally, an economic downturn forecast was conducted to determine the probability of a recession in 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months with 94% accuracy.
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) is the term covering an organization's approach across these three practices: governance, risk management, and compliance. The first scholarly research on GRC was published in 2007 where GRC was formally defined as "the integrated collection of capabilities that enable an organization to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty and act with integrity."
Banking Compliance
Automated creation of Comprehensive Annual Review and Revolving Credit Report
A Fortune 500 bank that provides credit to large enterprises worldwide. The bank used external consultants to manually create Comprehensive Annual Reviews (CAR) and Quarterly Credit Reports for thousands of enterprises. Using Findability Sciences Business Process Co-Pilot, information was extracted from 10-K/10-Q-reports, Revolving-Credit Applications and the Web. Analyst commentary was generated with a custom-trained LLM.BPC is saving the bank thousands of hours of report preparation effort by automating report generation and eliminating all human errors.
Regulatory Report
A global dental surgical implements manufacturing company headquartered in Europe, wanted to automate the preparation of FDA's 510(k) regulatory forms. Form 510(k) preparation is necessary for launching any new device or implementing changes to an existing one. Form preparation tends to be tedious, expensive, and time-consuming. We have developed a BPC solution tailored for 510(k) form filling and submission. Our technology streamlines data entry, validation, and submission processes ensuring accuracy and compliance with FDA requirements.
Business Valuations
RS-11 is a web-based platform that serves the community of Small and Medium Business Owners by being their go-to platform for knowing the valuation of their business, a marketplace for buy-sell listings, and serving as their Business Process Co-Pilot (BPC) for a large variety of their day to day needs of marketing, contracting and supporting their daily business operations.The BPC has been developed using advanced Gen-AI capabilities through a custom LLM, which delivers a wide variety of functionality through a simple, intuitive yet powerful chat-based interface designed to serve millions of SMBs.
Vertical LLM
From feasibility studies and planning to implementation and monitoring, we'll guide you through every step of your renewable energy project. Our expert team will ensure seamless execution and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your renewable energy initiatives.
Pharma R&D Document Processing
Takeda Pharmaceutical, ranked as the 23rd largest globally, faced the time-consuming challenge of manually verifying lab test results for each batch against standard specifications. This critical yet manual process was prone to human errors and was an inefficient use of their scientists' and engineers' valuable time.
Business Process Co-Pilot™: an innovative solution leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) for automated data extraction, comparison, and analysis directly from documents. This cutting-edge technology ensured 100% accuracy in test report verification, a feat previously unattainable with manual processesThe impact was immediate and significant—scientists and engineers at Takeda were now free to focus on more strategic tasks, confident in the knowledge that the verification process was error-free. Moreover, with the algorithm being pre-trained on documents, the Business Process Co-Pilot™ was fully operational from day one.
ビジネスで何が起こり、どのような行動を取るべきかを正確に予測するためのツールや能力が不足していませんか? Findability PlatformのAI主導の企業予測は、これらの課題を並外れた精度と自動化で克服します。
Read Moreファインダビリティ・プラットフォームのAIのユニークな機能をカスタム・ビジネス・プロセス・コパイロットで活用することで、お客様は自然言語処理(NLP)とジェネレーティブAIの力を活用して、アプリケーションや業界にわたる複雑な事業運営を合理化します。
Read MoreUse Cases Of Our Products
北米の大手HVACソリューションプロバイダーは、360か所以上にわたる在庫計画の改善と売上予測の強化を目指していました。その複雑さは、6,600 SKU を超える多様な製品ラインナップによってさらに複雑になり、在庫切れが倉庫保管費と保管費の増加につながっていました。
Findability Sciencesは、機械学習テクノロジーを導入して、収益、数量、価格、取引成功率、予測需要に関する履歴データを分析しました。これにより、各 SKU に最適な価格帯の推奨が可能になりました。
上位 5 社の小売業者が、毎年 4,000 件の機能リリースにデジタル分析を必要としている
彼らのアナリストは、ウェブサイトの機能リリースによってもたらされる影響を分析するのに8週間かかるでしょう。これらはインプレッションとコンバージョンの差だけに基づいて手動で計算されました。FSのインクリメンタリティ計算には、季節性、アトリビューション、統計的有意性が含まれていました。ビジネスユーザーは、会話型インターフェイスを通じて即座に洞察を得ることができました。さらに、すべての製品コンバージョンについて、リリース後の異常を検出するための予測は、社内の精度よりも 22% 向上して生成されました。
米国の不動産資産運用会社にとって最大の課題は、投資と売却の決定に関する市況を予測することでした。同社は24か月間の賃料、稼働率、価値を 90% 以上の精度で予測することで、その予測を財務上および投資上の意思決定に利用することができました。さらに、景気後退予測を実施して、6か月、12か月、24か月の景気後退の確率を 94% の精度で判断しました。
Business Process Co-Pilots
ヨーロッパに本社を置く世界的な歯科用手術器具製造会社が、FDA の 510 (k) 規制フォームの作成を自動化したいと考えていました。新しいデバイスを発売したり、既存のデバイスを変更したりするには、フォーム510 (k) の準備が必要です。フォームの準備は面倒で、費用も時間もかかる傾向があります。
510 (k) フォームの記入と送信に特化したBPCソリューションを開発しました。当社のテクノロジーは、データ入力、検証、提出プロセスを合理化し、正確性とFDA要件への準拠を保証します。
Business Process Co-Pilot™: 自然言語処理 (NLP) を活用して、文書から直接データを自動的に抽出、比較、分析する革新的なソリューションです。この最先端技術により、これまで手動プロセスでは達成できなかったテストレポートの検証が 100% 正確になりました。
その影響は即時かつ顕著でした。タケダの科学者とエンジニアは、検証プロセスにエラーがないという知識に自信を持って、より戦略的なタスクに自由に集中できるようになりました。さらに、アルゴリズムは文書に基づいて事前にトレーニングされていたため、ビジネスプロセスコパイロット™ は初日から完全に機能していました。
Customers We Work With
At Findability Sciences, we believe in the power of collaboration to unlock the full potential of AI. Our partner ecosystem is a vibrant community of innovators and industry leaders, all committed to transforming the future of business through cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions.